The northern snakehead is not alone in this ability: Walking catfishes, lungfishes, and betta fish can all breathe air directly as well. These fish reach sexual maturity between one and three ...
Betta fish—also known as Siamese fighting fish ... Because their usual habitats are extremely low in oxygen, bettas have evolved to breathe air at the water’s surface. This ability develops ...
Breathing releases another gas, carbon dioxide, which is exhaled by gorillas, humans and fish. Humans inhale oxygen from the air, through the mouth, into the lungs to breathe easily. However ...
Take fish, for example. Unlike land animals, fish get their oxygen from water, not air. They don’t have lungs to breathe with either, they have gills. Fish gulp water through their mouths and ...
For a start, fish don't have legs and they live in water. Also, they don't breathe air. They have gills that allow them to breathe underwater. Surprisingly most fish lay eggs. Not hard like a ...