Gilbert Memorial C.M.E Church, 713 Redwood Avenue, phone: 940-500-4548: The church will be celebrating their 120th ...
Over a dozen Christian leaders prayed with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office this week, with one saying that the ...
Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Grace Evangelical Church and Yakhnitskiy have helped over 500 Ukrainian families seek ...
Rauch said religion has merged with political and cultural forces, and this politicization has contributed to both the ...
They reject climate science but accept medical science, according to the National Survey of Religious Leaders published this ...
Development plans stalled for the St. Paul's German Evangelical Church on E. Broadway that was damaged by fire last October ...
ALTERNATIVES to diocesan chrism eucharists are being organised this year in conjunction with the Church of England ...
Nashville church and its pastor say progression for Steven Lawson, following his ouster from Dallas church, is a hopeful ...
Over 600m/- was raised in cash and pledges at the fundraising event in Dar es Salaam, at an event intended to raise 1.1bn/- ...
CHURCH leaders have voiced concern at geopolitical uncertainties in Europe, as the US President, Donald Trump, held new talks ...
Half of U.S. Protestant pastors say their churches are growing, but some warning signs remain about their congregational ...
He is not leader of the church but is a prophet on the level of Moses, as implied by Franklin Graham's invocation at Trump’s ...