Can you feel it? There is a palpable dread that the ruling class, which owns financial and industrial capital, will continue ...
Ecology also provides information about the benefits of ecosystems and how we can use Earth’s resources in ways that leave the environment healthy for future generations. Ecologists study these ...
Although the Earth’s been decidedly blue for 600 million years, rising populations of phytoplankton caused by rising ...
From smartphones to wind turbines, rare earth elements (REEs) are an essential part of the hardware in many advanced ...
The Drexel University master’s degree in Ecology, Evolution and Earth Systems (EEES) offers full- and part-time plans of study to meet the needs and career goals of students, such as those who would ...
The doctoral (PhD) degree program in Ecology, Evolution and Earth Systems (EEES) at Drexel University is a multidisciplinary program that emphasizes collaboration with other departments at the ...
An instrumental part of their progress was ecology, the study of home. It was an 80,000-year study of animal behavior, human growth and development, plant medicine, seafaring, cartography, astronomy, ...
Ancient frog relatives survived the aftermath of the largest mass extinction of species by feeding on freshwater prey that evaded terrestrial predators, academics have found.