Enter any time in Pacific/Tongatapu and find the corresponding asia/kabul time using this Time Calculator. Pacific/Tongatapu is a UTC +13:00 timezone offset where as Pacific/Auckland is a UTC +13:0 ...
Kamala Harris made a historic dash for the White House. Here’s why she fell short. Much of her loss stemmed from a campaign that struggled to overcome deep-seated economic concerns and connect ...
Nuku'alofa, Tonga: Tonga's new multi-million Parliament complex will be built on the Lakalakaimonu Estate within the Tufumahina Royal Estate in Pea, Tongatapu, and is set to be completed in 2027, a ...
Tomu Pouono (52) was jailed for charges including possession of 0.12 grams of methamphetamine and 7.55grams of cannabis. His 48-year-old wife and co-accused received a suspended sentence for similar ...