After Hiding My Undiagnosed Neurological Condition for Decades, I Finally Found Answers ...
In addition to akinesia, a person may concurrently experience symptoms of bradykinesia, dyskinesia ... Balance and posture Arm and hand function Gait and walking These assessments are recorded ...
known as "gait freezing" Akinesia can be obvious and extreme or appear as movements that are so small and slow that they cannot be seen. In addition to akinesia, a person may concurrently experience ...
Uncontrollable movements from tardive dyskinesia (TD) can put a strain on your daily life, physically and mentally. Developing a stress management routine, employing social strategies, and seeking ...
Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is an involuntary movement condition, meaning you can't control your movements. "Tardive" means late, and "dyskinesia" means uncontrolled movements. It's often a side ...
In addition to its widely recognized effects on gait, posture, balance, and upper limb coordination, Parkinson's disease (PD) can have a profound effect on speech and voice, within a cluster of ...
The risk of developing PD in a cohort was 27% lower when both parents were smokers; [16] but when the research was restricted to never-smokers, the correlation was no longer seen. The effect of ...