In our episode "Buddhist Blessings," we spoke with Katherine "Senshin" Griffith, head teacher at the Zen Center of Los ...
Buddhism teaches that suffering arises from attachment to desires, outcomes, and material possessions. Gratitude shifts your ...
Dukkha close dukkhaSuffering, illness, dissatisfaction or imperfection. An unavoidable fact of existence according to the first Noble Truth of Buddhism. means suffering. It is the idea that ...
In the Buddhist language, Pāli, the word for human dissatisfaction and suffering is dukkha. For Buddhist thinkers, all human suffering is caused by desire, attachment or craving. As a Buddhist ...
This idea is crucial in Buddhist thought. It is one of the key ... everything is interconnected and all actions affect others. Dukkha is a basic mark of existence. It means that life is ...
In our episode "Buddhist Blessings," we spoke with Katherine "Senshin" Griffith, head teacher at the Zen Center of Los Angeles, about dukkha. We often hear it translated as "suffering," and the ...