They may want to be top-dogs in this new stone world, but they don't exactly want to murder children to do it—likely both for ...
Also known as Science Future, the fourth season of Dr. Stone – one of 2025's first big releases – follows Senku's continuing ... Ranma then falls for a young female martial artist called ...
How Will Dr. Stone Season Four End? Dr. Stone Season 4 has been spending the last few episodes exploring the warfare between ...
Ryusui and Senku battle Stanley in the air while Dr. Xeno's submarine crew moves in to capture the Perseus and try to win the ...
Instead, Dr. Stone season 4 episode 5 saw both Senku Ishigami and Xeno make their first acts of war against each other. Each sends a squad out to assassinate the other, with the battle already ...
If you've been following along on the Dr. Stone season 4 release schedule, you'll know that a break for Science Future is forthcoming. With that in mind, it's worth running the rule over what's ...
We’re down to the penultimate episode of this part of the season, so what better time to have begin the first big strikes on either side now that they (and we the audience) know more about each other?
Bonus Apr 08, 1994 May 03, 1994 Mar 24, 1994 Bonus Ratio: 2 share(s) for every 1 shares held Bonus Dec 04, 1992 Dec 22, 1992 Sep 30, 1992 Bonus Ratio: 1 share(s) for every 1 shares held Dr. Reddy's ...