Without organized traditional religion, Americans are inclined to fill the void with something far worse than “love thy neighbor.” ...
There is a gene in animal brains that plays a radical role in language development. Speech scientists recently tweaked its human version in mouse brains. They w ...
Youngkin was often cited in the hallways as a template for threading the Trump ... We must strive for more unity among Jews, no matter the denomination.” Adelson seemed frail, and she made ...
As a result, denominations have had to do less with less — not only cutting budgets to balance the bottom line, but making strategic changes and trying out new ideas. Despite their different ...
When the Episcopal Church recently announced cuts to its national staff, it was the latest in a long-running cycle among historic U.S. Protestant denominations — declines in members leading to ...
Protestant Denominations Try New Ideas as They Face Declines in Members and Money When the Episcopal Church recently announced cuts to its national staff, it was the latest in a long-running cycle ...
When the Episcopal Church recently announced cuts to its national staff, it was the latest in a long-running cycle among historic U.S. Protestant denominations — declines in members leading to ...
In the Religious Landscape Study (RLS), we group Protestant respondents into one of three “traditions” – the evangelical tradition, mainline tradition or the historically Black Protestant tradition – ...
When the Episcopal Church recently announced cuts to its national staff, it was the latest in a long-running cycle among historic U.S. Protestant denominations — declines in members leading to ...
In addition, people of every racial and ethnic background that we measure are less likely to say they are Christian now than they were in 2007, as are people in every major region of the U.S. A ...