Cretoxyrhina was one of the largest sharks and a formidable predator in the Late Cretaceous seas. Nicknamed the Ginsu shark after the kitchen knife that slices and dices, Cretoxyrhina ripped apart ...
Sharks as a species are still going strong ... was found undigested inside of a fossilized Cretoxyrhina. Cretoxyrhina wasn’t at the top of the food chain, however, as it was hunted by larger ...
Other than much larger creatures in the ocean that preyed on Hybodus, this shark was a major predator in the sea! The Cretoxyrhina lived during the Cretaceous geological period, a time when there ...
A 13-foot-long (4-meter-long) Xiphactinus could open its jaw wide enough to swallow six-foot-long (two-meter-long) fish whole, but it itself was occasionally prey to the shark Cretoxyrhina.