Welcome back kids. Are you ready to learn a little bit more of the crazy little thing we call the alphabet? Well, you better be because Uncle Kyle is in no mood for your nonsense. You can go back to ...
Before I became a father, I was an uncle, which is much more fun because there is less responsibility. For a brief period in my life, I had the nickname Crazy Uncle Kyle. I wish I could say I came up ...
Euphoria sparks a stock market rally. Eventually things get overheated and share prices become ridiculous. Then it all ...
The truth is that however I choose to express myself will not live up to the weight of these facts: Vincent died, and then ...
It's time for another round of The Market Cap Game Show on Rule Breaker Investing. Remember that market cap calculates a ...
The site has taken over global children’s programming to the point where Wired ... Alongside parent company Google/Alphabet, and especially with the introduction (March 2007) of YouTube Analytics and ...
Rob Zombie just released a children’s book, but don’t worry, it’s extremely on-brand. Z Is For Zombie came out Monday through ...
The headline of this article says it all: Alphabet (GOOG 2.16%) (GOOGL 1.94%) stock is cheaper than the S&P 500 (^GSPC 1.08%) index. It might seem a bit odd that a dominant tech company would fall ...
Alphabet Inc.’s Google on Wednesday cut staffers in its cloud division, according to people familiar with the matter. The reductions affected fewer than 100 people working in sales operations ...