Severely comminuted distal femur fractures require anatomic internal fixation for best results, but obtaining rigid fixation of the multiple fragments may be challenging or impossible using ...
Rabin SI. In Severely Comminuted Intercondylar-Supracondylar Distal Femur Fractures, Use the Device That Fits. MedGenMed 1(3), 1999 [formerly published in Medscape Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine ...
A ground-breaking New Zealand trial has discovered a cheap treatment given only once every five to 10 years can prevent devastating bone fractures in women who have gone through menopause.
“The biggest week was just I had a little transverse process fracture in my back [against the Raiders]. That week, [I] got treatment and kind of made it through that week. Monday Night ...
A new study, indeed, a critical analysis review, looked at a particular type of elbow fracture, the olecranon fractures, which typically are complicated by the fact they may involve multiple fragments ...