Micro-centers rely on flexible licensing to provide child care at K-12 schools, helping parents with costs and schools with ...
A school feeding organization in Kenya, Food4Education, left King Letsie III of the Kingdom of Lesotho and the President of ...
A nine-year-old boy in Nersac, France, lived alone for two years after his mother abandoned him. Neighbours alerted police, ...
When plotted on a map, the full schools are mostly out west, and the empty schools are mostly to ... demand schools will still try to get their child a seat in the classroom.
Arlando “Tray” Jones was a toddler when his dad was killed by Baltimore police during a robbery. His mom died several years ...
The 'Golf for Good' charity tournament in aid of The Akshaya Patra Foundation supported by Neokred's CSR initiative, The ...
More than 2 million kids live with a disabled veteran at home. Calls are growing to extend more support to these ‘hidden ...
Alice, a retired teacher, died on March 3rd aged 88. She has left a legacy which will be part of the social history of ...
Frustration, disappointment in wake of February resignation of superintendent, decision-making with multiple empty board ...
The gang targeted, recruited and exploited vulnerable children - some of whom were living in care - to use them as street ...
A study carried out by researchers at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) and the University of Birmingham explored the ...
US students and 20% of UK students are persistently absent from school. I chatted with Hugh Viney, who is providing an ...