SPRINGFIELD — The School Committee has approved a new five-year policy that will allow police to continue to access live ...
Anyone in the designated school zone caught driving 11 mph or more over the posted speed limit would receive a $100 civil ...
State law and the proposed ordinance require flashing yellow lights to indicate a school zone is active and signs warning of ...
A viral video showing two middle schoolers fighting in the midst of class at Jehue Middle School in Colton has prompted ...
Suffolk County and BusPatrol mailed a ticket to a Missouri man who said neither he — nor his Audi — had ever driven on Long ...
The school bus safety program is a collaboration between the school district, the Miami-Dade Sheriff’s Office, and BusPatrol, ...
Taneytown could create two new school zones in an effort to curb speeding and improve pedestrian safety in the city.
Re “Speed cameras in school zones OK’d” (A1, March 6): I agree with having school zone cameras. In my area, I commonly see ...
Some Georgia lawmakers are trying to get rid of automated cameras that enforce school zone speed limits, saying the cameras ...
A tense confrontation between parents, students and the school board occurred following a meeting Friday morning.
Virginia Beach has joined the growing list of localities across Hampton Roads and Virginia to implement speed cameras in ...
The Manatee County School Board is urging county commissioners to reconsider their recent decision to end the use of speed ...