Northern and southern feeder steer markets detached from each other last Spring as the southern wet season failed, leading to ...
For the week ending March 7, there were two distinct price structures. On Monday, March 3, feeder cattle prices were ...
In recent weeks there has been a lot of stakeholder interest in feeder steer price correlations and how price trends vary ...
Expanding the cattle herd means facing drought and weather conditions, shifting land use and feedstock and regulations, Ken ...
Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine ...
Shrinking cattle inventories in recent years leads to a wide range of impacts on the multi-sectored cattle industry.
DuWayne Bosse, Bolt Marketing, says grain markets rebounded Thursday on technical buying after holding and bouncing off support areas. Strong export demand was also positive.
An economist with Iowa Farm Bureau points to an increased risk for cattle producers amid high prices. Christopher Pudenz says his tagline for the feedlot portion of the market is “maximum financial ...
Brad Kooima of Kooima Kooima Varilek says live cattle see buying interest after strong cash late last week. Corn tries to ...
Feeder cattle are rallying at midday, with contracts up $3 to $3.55. The CME Feeder Cattle Index was 2 cents higher on February 20 at $278.84. Monday’s OKC feeder cattle auction showed 4,500 ...
Feeder cattle slipped back on Thursday with futures down a tick to 75 cents at the close. The CME Feeder Cattle Index was back up $2.54 on March 13, with the average price at $281.25.