Michigan libraries, museums received more than $8M in funding in 2024 from a federal agency targeted for reduction or ...
In the March 27 edition of The New York Review of Books, Neal Ascherson writes about a recent book by Richard J. Evans titled ...
Many people are hungry for books that explore trauma: Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s “The Body Keeps the Score” has sold more than ...
The ruling is a victory for the publishers and free speech advocates who challenged the law, but the judge’s decision is far ...
Bud Stanley, the first man to perform open-heart surgery on himself, died today in a hot air balloon accident,” he begins, ...
There were two huge developments in the literacy world early this year. First, the emergence of a phonics program that could ...
Waitrose has placed a limit on a particular bar of Lindt chocolate. Also in Money today: Ryanair launches a yearly ...
South Carolina school librarian Tamara Cox writes about the challenges facing school libraries and students who use them, and what you can do about it.