Dive deep into the untold stories of 14 trailblazing women who helped transform Route 66 into an American icon.
World Kidney Day is a global campaign that aims to raise awareness of kidney disease and the importance of kidney health. World Kidney Day is celebrated annually on the 2nd Thursday in March and ...
It all began with Trump 1.0 in November 2016, an earthquake that produced a deep rift in the political landscape. It shattered many of the precious objects that weren’t fixed to the walls of our ...
Both the identity of the powerful, even hegemonic nation known as “the United States of America” has, since the nation’s origins, been fraught with an underlying ambiguity. As a political entity, a ...
On the left, the shader is disabled. You can use this shader to create a PSX-like "fade-overlay" for scene or menu transitions -- just apply it to the material of a ColorRect node with its layout ...
'It does mean everything to me': Pacific Break winner Chris Kamu'ana Rohoimae performs at WOMADelaide ...
This enhances and improves digital photographs by changing the color balance, tone, clarity, cropping, noise reduction, straightening, and converting to black and white ... various image formats like ...
Since they are already made, from the class IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions you can access their identifiers as well as the textures for the dissolve type.
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