In the latest statement, Kouji shares the following message with readers, “Thank you very much for picking up Berserk Volume ...
When Berserk creator Kentaro Miura died in 2021, many believed that one of the greatest manga of all-time would remain ...
Casca, mercenary and lover to Guts, also teamed up with Guts on their quest for revenge. As said by Game Rant, Chapter 380 of Berserk is set to come out on February 28th, 2025. Details about this ...
A trágica morte de Kentaro Miura ainda é sentida pelos fãs de Berserk e pelo mundo dos mangás. Desde os anos 1980, Miura ...
Selecionamos 10 obras da animação japonesa que são grandes sucessos e que os fãs vivem reassistindo. Todas estão disponíveis nos streamings!
O falecimento de Kentaro Miura, em 2021, ainda é sentido pelos fãs de Berserk. Após muita reflexão, o escritor Kouji Mori e ...
Adding an unexpected twist, he paired it with an image of popular anime characters Guts and Casca from Berserk. His caption read, “Beating this trend by 26 years. Happy anniversary to us." The post ...
He added an unexpected twist by pairing it with an image of the popular anime characters Guts and Casca from Berserk. In the caption, he wrote, “Beating this trend by 26 years. Happy anniversary to us ...