Egg prices spike amid avian flu outbreak. The most dramatic change comes in the forecast for eggs, with USDA now projecting a ...
Estrous synchronization (ES) and artificial insemination (AI) are reproductive management tools that have been available to beef producers ... of handling cattle through a cattle-handling facility; ...
The current feedback loop of high prices and the sale of beef cows for slaughter instead of breeding is creating an ...
Pat and Rachel Lienemann's farm in Waseca began with four weaned heifers in 2021 and will harvest for the first time this ...
Beef tallow is touted as a healthier alternative to seed oils, but its nutritional profile suggests otherwise. Find out if ...
Yet it took me a while to disenfranchise myself from the cultural pull beef held in my life — as a Texan, as a daughter of a cattle rancher, as a Latina. I had a fear, for years, that if I let ...
A new study identifying genetic factors contributing to bovine tuberculosis (bTB) susceptibility could represent an important ...
On Friday, January 10, wholesale choice beef traded at US$333/cwt which was a fresh 52 week high. This past week, Alberta feeding margins improved with fed cattle prices reaching $270 fob feedlot in ...
How long does a cat's heat last? A cat's heat, also known as estrus, is a natural part of the reproductive cycle in unspayed cats. This is the period when your cat becomes sexually mature and ready to ...
The wet and chilled newborn calf experiences a drainage of its body heat, may be severly stressed ... This information was prepared for the Great Plains Beef Cattle Handbook by Gene White, D.V.M..
SAN DIEGO — The use of NSAIDs may be an effective way to reduce postoperative stiffness and manipulation under anesthesia procedures following total knee arthroplasty, according to results ...