The cry of the rooster was one of the most familiar sounds in the life cycle of a first-century person, as common as the ...
We sell our faith short, and so we sell our Lent short. At least I do. I have spent most of my life thinking of the faith as ...
A Palestinian evangelical Christian leader had earlier spoken, calling the movement ‘a heretical replacement theology that ...
Missionaries in the Provo and Orem Utah missions have a unique experience among missionaries. They often spend much of their ...
After his baptism by John, Jesus was led into the mountain, perhaps not a literal mountain, where he fasted for 40 days and ...
The priest said that for Dalits in the South Asian sub-continent, there is no escaping the evil practice. “So, we ensure ...
Another person had a family member from overseas that they wanted to be there—this delayed the baptism for years. Others have simply said to me “where in the Bible does it say you have to be baptised” ...
H2O can only ever be one form at a time. Scripture however, doesn’t depict God this way. For instance at the baptism of Christ, the Father, Son and Spirit are all distinctly present and interacting ...