But do these verses apply to the whole Bible or only the Book of Revelation ... For example over Baptism, some Protestants accept the validity of infant Baptism, while others do not.
God demands obedience in all His walk with man. Whosoever or whatsoever you are, as long as you are walking with God, not minding ...
The Christian presence has been a part of her life, though Fung hails from Kelantan, an eastern state where almost 96 percent ...
The band could be heard down Church Street on a recent Sunday night in March. Guitars, drums and a chorus boomed out from ...
Only twenty verses later, it is also written ... [Hebrew 11:8]. According to the Bible, "to believe" also means "to obey." We do not sincerely believe in Christ, if we disobey God's Commandments ...
The term “the Trinity” does not appear anywhere in the Bible. The concept of the Trinity is also not explicitly taught in the ...
Jane Walters justifies her habit of defacing her books, especially her Bibles, and encourages us to do the same!
Baptism does what nothing else can. As Martin Luther said, by baptism “we are made holy and are saved, which no other kind of life, no work upon earth, can attain.” All of God’s promises come together ...
A Christian baptism at Lake Atitlán, Guatemala, turned tragic when 45-year-old Miguel Sut lost his life by drowning.
For by grace you have been saved by faith. Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the love gift from God ...