Stories of how the data was collected were fascinating. Some people camped on islands for weeks. Some scaled cliffs or jumped ...
Scientists discovered a 15-million-year-old fish fossil, Ferruaspis brocksi. It has preserved stomach contents and visible ...
Scientists stalking a small marsupial through a remote Australian rainforest say they may have found a clue to the mystery of ...
The discovery of the Scawfell Island sunskink marks the second unique species to be unearthed on Scawfell Island near Mackay.
Australia's environment improved slightly in 2024, marking the fourth consecutive year of above-average conditions, but major ...
Two poorly placed cacti more than 50 years ago have turned into a full-scale invasion. It's prompting calls for people to ...
Discovered in the McGraths Flat fossil site in New South Wales, Australia, the new fossil is a freshwater smelt belonging to the order Osmerifiromes, the first of its kind to be found in Australia.
Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) notes that Australian Bureau of Statistics' population report shows a fall in the ...
Guwahati: Researchers have documented the unprecedented sighting of the dog-faced water snake (Cerberus rynchops) in the ...
Playgrounds can host a variety of natural wonders – and, of course, kids! Now some students are not just learning about ...
Research suggests that early macropodoids likely adopted a bounding gait before transitioning to bipedal hopping. Small ...
Scientists stalking a small marsupial through a remote Australian rainforest say they may have found a clue to the mystery of why its bigger kangaroo cousins hop instead of walk.