These kinds of drills emerged in the 1970s as a way to train for the unthinkable. The U.S. was experiencing a rash of nuclear ...
A 110-kiloton nuclear explosion at 400km altitude would immediately jeopardize approximately 20% of LEO satellites through prompt radiation effects. Larger yields would expose the same number of ...
Scientists have been building nuclear weapons for more than 80 years, but crafting this technology remains a challenge.
War has never been good for anyone. It brings massive destruction, affecting several countries in countless ways. World War I ...
They were the classic indicators of a powerful nuclear explosion. Somewhere down below, as close as someone can come to terra incognita, a rogue country had set off a nuclear bomb. A rogue country ...
new video loaded: Video Shows Explosion at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Ukraine said that a Russian drone had hit a shelter constructed to prevent radiation leaks at the site’s Reactor No. 4.
An alleged Russian drone has hit the shield containing the contaminated materials at the former Chernobyl nuclear power plant ...
Originally designed in 1973, the E-4 series planes were thought to be the best way a president during the Cold War might survive a nuclear explosion. And since their inception, one of the doomsday ...
On July 16, 1945, the US conducted the world's first test of a nuclear weapon. Less than a month later, two bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bringing about the ...
It was the first atomic explosion in the U.S. since the historic test at Alamogordo in 1945. Most Nevadans, warned earlier in the week by the announcement of a non-nuclear “dry run,” took the ...
Imagine that a 150-kiloton nuclear bomb exploded in the city closest to you. Do you know how the city, surrounding region, and its inhabitants would be affected? If you can't think of much more ...
Such tests had been in operation for more than a year, but for the first time, the press had been invited to record and broadcast the nuclear explosion. Dubbed "News Nob," the journalists' post ...