Vancouver resident Ashley Bugge traversed the fjords off the shore of Tromsø, a city north of the Arctic Circle in Norway, ...
The artic seabird, a Ross’s gull ... “They’re a species of the Siberian Arctic,” Kansas Ornithological Society President Kurtis Meier said. “So they’re a very rare species to show ...
Beluga whales, narwhals, ringed seals and numerous Arctic seabirds have one thing in common: their preferred food is polar cod, Boreogadus saida. “For the first time, we’ve been able to use a ...
Scientists say they have the first recorded video evidence of narwhals using tusks not only to strike and manipulate fish ...
The birds spend most of their lives in the open ocean. Observing birds at sea is nearly impossible, so much about puffins remains a mystery. Ecologists like Erpur Snær Hansen, who leads a team at the ...
which eat the algae and are in turn eaten by arctic cod, seabirds, and bowhead whales. For marine mammals such as the polar bear, Pacific walrus, and ringed seal, the loss of hundreds of thousands ...
Discover a pristine wilderness spanning millions of square miles in the Far North. For adventure seekers, an arctic ocean ...
Foxes living near water take advantage of access to marine animals like fish, seals, seabirds, and marine invertebrates. THREATS: Arctic foxes are threatened by global warming, competition from the ...
Since 1989, I have conducted research on many aspects of seabird biology and marine ecology in Alaska, Canada's eastern Arctic, Newfoundland and Labrador, and British Columbia. Research topics that ...
Glaucous gulls — large gray-and-white seabirds that inhabit the Arctic — frequently attempted to steal fish from narwhals, significantly reducing the amount of prey they were able to catch.