The drying up of the Aral Sea has made Central Asia 7% dustier in the last 30 years. Between 1984 and 2015, dust emissions from the growing desert almost doubled from 14 to 27 million tons.
Last July the eastern sea dried up entirely. Each of these boats used to haul in tons of fish every year. The fleet has been rusting near the former Uzbek port of Muynoq since the Aral dried up ...
The abandoned vessels and a few rotting signs are the only remains of the port city that once stood on the banks of the Aral Sea. The water disappeared decades ago.
Noroozi teamed up with reporter Victoria Milko and traveled to the once-mighty Aral, with the hope of finding enough people who still lived near the drying sea. The team crossed Uzbekistan and ...
things are looking up for the thin patch of saxaul shrubs at the Oasis outpost. Some are already bearing fruit. Dragonflies ...
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