Optionally, users may not even be required to authenticate (anonymous access). Embed Power BI report in ... Note that you can click the globe icon on the top right corner to open the report in Power ...
Enclosed with the anonymous complaints is a pen drive with 59 videos of Kumar getting intimate with students. The students' faces have been concealed to protect their identities. Kumar ...
Anonymous Oscar ballots have become a contentious topic among film pundits. Some consider them a red herring, arguing they distract from a predetermined outcome. There’s some truth to that.
President Trump on Wednesday threatened lawsuits against authors who use anonymous sources in books about him or his allies, calling them defamatory and dishonest. Trump also teased that a new law ...
US President Donald Trump has threatened to sue authors and media outlets that use anonymous sources. The warning came after the publication of a disparaging new tell-all book 'All Or Nothing' by ...
Greek police detained a member of parliament Monday after he allegedly attacked art works which are part of at an exhibition ...
Mustafa Al-Bassam is a former member of Anonymous, the global hacktivist collective known for cyberattacks on governments, corporations, and security agencies. Al-Bassam also cofounded LulzSec ...
Neon silhouettes of cowboy boots, horseshoes, four-leaf clovers, and dice dotted the stage, underscoring the good-luck vibes, while the outline of a smiley face nodded to the self-care that’s ...
Ah, the “Leprechaun” films! They may not be the St. Patrick’s Day slashers we deserve — but they sure as shit are the ones we have. Revisiting Lubdan the Leprechaun is an annual tradition ...
It’s been eight long years since the Nintendo Switch launched in March 2017. The gaming landscape — not to mention the world itself — is a very different place. Released mid-generation while ...
We the Builders alleges that it host blogs written by anonymous authors detailing a range of topics that shed light on what's happening in the federal government and that aim to provide insider ...