In case you hadn't noticed already, Atomfall is a very British game. It features those unmistakable red phone boxes, plummy, moustachioed army generals, and that most quintessentially British creation ...
This critter is dubbed a “living fossil” and was named New Zealand’s “Bug of the Year,” and the way it turns its prey into soup is pretty unique (and gross), too. The ce ...
This new species of annelid worm was found in deep sea sediments near methane seeps off the Pacific coast of central America. Anguillosyllis have an interesting evolutionary placement within Syllidae ...
New Zealand is well known for its Bird of the Year competition, which has seen winners ranging from a delightfully round, drunk pigeon to a rogue bat. But did you know it awards a “Bug of the ...
Despite a relatively short schedule college Football is the second most wagered on league in the United States behind the NFL. There are 129 teams in Division 1 football to handicap each weekend ...
To study desmosomal networks, we skeletonised 853 muscle cells and their desmosomal partners in volume electron microscopy data covering an entire larva of the annelid Platynereis. Muscle cells adhere ...