Abraham is an important figure in Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The story of Abraham can be found in the Book of Genesis - the first book in the Christian Bible and in the Torah of Judaism.
The Yale Jewish Lives series, which has volumes devoted to figures as diverse as Harry Houdini and Henrietta Szold, had a ...
Brethren, it’s the beginning of another month.   It’s time to ask; the popular question “ how far? “. Asking this question is ...
At the Last Supper, Jesus “…took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.’ And likewise ...
The Qur’an contains 99 Arabic names (attributes or character traits) for the multifaceted essence of the one God, but not one of them connects the one God with one people, while one of the dozens of ...
Circumcision is the mark of the covenant between God and Israel embodied on ... Cohen says that the crux of Abraham's Jewishness is his belief in an almighty God—a faith tested in the famous ...
Led by God from Mesopotamia to the land of Canaan, Abraham entered into a covenant with the Lord that, once fulfilled, would see him father a great nation of kings.