An Aberdeen Angus cross heifer from Messrs Weir, Cortleferry, topped Harrison and Hetherington 's show and sale of native cattle when selling at £2650. Bullocks reached £2500 for an Aberdeen Angus ...
These genetically important cattle, which have been used worldwide in the development ... a steer weighing 214 stone – the modern Sussex, boosted by Limousin and Aberdeen Angus blood, is a handsome, ...
Heavy bullocks to £3150 for an Aberdeen Angus 850kg at £370ppk and up to 413ppk for a 604kg Charolais at £2500. Light weights ...
A super entry of 570 calves and weanlings on Thursday 13th March at Kilrea Mart which met with an outstanding trade for all ...
The search for lower-input cattle in the face of a severe shortage of labour and the need to secure a strong market for bobby calves in the dairy business is fuelling a boom in beef crossbreeding in ...
A super entry of 410 calves and weanlings on Thursday 6th March at Kilrea Mart which met with an outstanding trade for all ...