Surgical adhesions—common, sometimes life-threatening complications that arise after open or laparoscopic abdominal ...
A new study by Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers found that the presence of a specific genetic ...
Billy Joel ’s wife, Alexis, is sharing her personal health battle in a post on her husband’s social media accounts. Noting ...
Endometriosis affects about 1 in 10 women. But women see seven physicians on average before they get diagnosed.
Up to 90% of abdominal surgeries result in adhesions -- abnormal scarring that ties together organs and tissues. A gel has now been shown to prevented adhesions in mice and pigs.
Surgical adhesions — common, sometimes life-threatening complications that arise after open or laparoscopic abdominal surgery ...
The best prevention and treatment for pregnant women is abdomen-strengthening exercise, with surgery reserved for those who ...
Abortion opponents have long used graphic photos of embryonic and fetal tissue to try to persuade people outside clinics not ...
One serving of pistachios equals about 49 kernels, making it one of the most generous serving sizes for nuts. The low-calorie ...