San Francisco Mayor Daniel Lurie said that one of his role models in politics is former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who was first elected as a moderate Republican.
Today i'm taking this Amtrak sleeper train for the next 3 days from New York City all the way to San Francisco. This epic journey will see us cross the entirety of the USA by rail, all whilst living onboard the Lake Shore Limited and California Zephyr.
Office leasing activity is predicted to rise 2 percent in New York City and a whopping 28 percent in San Francisco this year, VTS said.
In April of last year, New York Life became the first institutional investor to re-enter the San Francisco office market in the post-pandemic era when it partnered with another NY-based investor, Bridgeton, to acquire 410 Townsend Street, a 78K square foot building in the South of Market neighborhood.
New York Life Real Estate Investors and Lincoln Property Co. are teaming up on a second San Francisco distressed office acquisition.
Buyers of San Francisco's federal buildings in SOMA and Civic Center may see 60% discounts, and could be betting on a turnaround.