The month of May will be here soon. Graduation will be approaching soon and much is needed ahead of time for the newspaper’s ...
The world was changed forever on April 4, 1975. (Don’t get a swelled head if that happens to be your date of birth. I’m writing about a business/cultural milestone, not providing PR for any individual ...
In football, we rarely see it. It maight even be rare in basketball and baseball, as well. Bottom line, Eunice High and St.
When Lastie Dupre died at his home on Prairie Plaisance in 1886 at the age of 91 his obituary said he was “known far and wide as the wealthiest stock raiser in the Attakapas region” and a man “whose h ...
For a number of years, members of the Eunice Branch of the National Association of University Women have been making it a ...