Our movements must build a future where an arms embargo on Israel and a permanent ceasefire in Gaza is a reality.
Steven Thrasher’s suspension from teaching journalism at Northwestern shows “the Palestine exception” at work.
Overnight, there were more than 50 Israeli attacks on southern Lebanese villages and an air attack on Beirut on Friday.
Two Republican-led states are demonstrating how the Electoral College can be gamed, in more ways than most voters realize (and even in the middle of a campaign season), in order for state lawmakers to ...
The Boeing strike is the latest test of the Biden-Harris administration’s labor agenda, with more challenges on the way.
As Trump and Harris bicker over North Korea, the US military lays plans that could bring nuclear tensions to a brink.
Trump presidency could see more far-reaching interference with the agency’s scientific work under Project 2025.
Witnesses proposed deploying more military capabilities to the Middle East and the authorization of the use of force.
Let’s be clear. A vote for this bill would further support the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians,” said Rashida Tlaib.
Reckoning and dealing with Israel's culpability, not vengeance, is the only path to ending this recurring nightmare.
At least two women in Georgia have died since the state’s six-week abortion ban went into effect after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Candi Miller and Amber Thurman, both Black women and ...
Hiba Hajaj, a British-born Jordanian of Palestinian origin, tells Mondoweiss that the turning point for a lot of people now protesting in the UK started on October 7 last year. She has worked as an ...