Most of the human induced pluripotent stem cells stored at major cell line repositories and used in research harbor thousands of DNA errors, a study finds, highlighting the need for improved quality ...
Bush's decision in August 2001 to permit federal financing for research on human embryonic stem (ES) cells using established ES cell lines. Stem-cell research has enormous potential value in both ...
The SKI Stem Cell Research Core stocks, characterizes, and distributes human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) lines. We perform a variety of hPSC-related applications for the stem cell community at SKI ...
What’s so special about Horizon’s HAP1 cell line? Because these cells, isolated from a leukemia patient and made to grow rapidly on lab plates, are near-haploid, containing only a single copy ...
The battery manufacturer CustomCells is part of the ‘Innovation and Future Agenda’ of the German state of Baden-Württemberg.