Imagine you are choosing between two similar investment options. One has a green label, promising to fund climate-friendly ...
With the increase of eco-friendly labels and natural claims on pet products, it can feel like you’re doing the right thing ...
A glut of eco-labels has actually made it harder to consume responsibly. iFive: Verizon Wireless Preps Kindle Killer, Mark Cuban Prevents Layoffs, and Frank Gehry Likes Ike in Today’s Innovation ...
Consumers are equally confused about buying green products—and with good reason. Many attempts to label green products are meaningless at best and bewildering at worst. For example, a current labeling ...
So far, at least 113 funds plan to use either an Improvers, Focus, Impact or Mixed Goals label, with others in the process of getting one. This will shrink the universe of sustainable funds, as many ...
Making verified climate-related financial disclosures easier to use could help retail investors better understand the impact of green products. This would reduce reliance on labels alone and ...