This is the most popular type of book purchased. You can find used books in a variety of places. Bookstores on-campus, other used bookstores, online vendors and online auctions. You can rent your ...
The Spirit Shop & Bookstore, operated by Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, is the university's retail ... Students can rent or buy their textbooks online and the store offers a price match program ...
Just remember that the goal is not to simply “get through” such books, but to interact with their content and become a more critical reader along the way. Stressed about getting into college?
Students now seem increasingly incapable of reading whole books, a problem professors say is becoming the norm, even at some of the nation's most elite colleges. While college students today ...
Turns out, it's not unreasonable for some four year college students to spend close to $500 a year on textbooks. And it doesn't seem like prices are coming down anytime soon. Textbook costs rose ...
Perhaps this was to be expected: Last November, after all, Corcoran published "Storming the Ivory Tower,", a book in which he characterized activities on college campuses aimed at diversity ...