She’s a student at Basgiath War College, but war is looming as evil venin seek to take over everything Violet holds precious, including the sexy enemy-turned-lover Xaden Riorson. Onyx Storm ...
The Fourth Wing cast rumour mill is heating up again, with a hot, new contender for the role of Xaden Riorson. Although the Instagram story has since disappeared from Josh’s feed, a very kind TikTok ...
After the release of ‘Onyx Storm,’ author Rebecca Yarros hints at a major plot point in the third installment that has readers theorizing who Xaden’s venin brother could be. Warning ...
"Onyx Storm" by Rebecca Yarros ended on a cliffhanger. Violet doesn't remember the last 12 hours, and Xaden and three other riders are missing. Violet's connection to the goddess Dunne may also ...