When the Wright brothers finally succeeded in getting their flyer airborne, many didn’t believe they had really done it.
Later that year, when Wilbur finally made his demonstration flight around a racetrack in France before a small crowd of spectators, the French realized the Wright brothers had moved far beyond ...
While the Wright brothers are widely recognized as the fathers of flight, Brazilians believe the true inventor of the ...
The Dayton-made Wright Flyer III now just needs governor approval to become the official state airplane of Ohio, following Wednesday's 85-0 House vote on Senate Bill 24. The Flyer III, designed and ...
Entrance fees are waived at Wright Wright Brothers National Memorial on Saturday, April 19 to kick off National Park Week.
The First Flight Society celebrates Wilbur’s birthday on or around April 16. This year, the celebration will be on Wilbur’s actual birthday, with an event at the Hilton Garden Inn on ...