It’s estimated more than 10 million Americans over the age of 50 live with this "silent disease." Here's what osteoporosis ...
making people more vulnerable to fractures, especially those involving weight-bearing bones," he added. WHAT CAUSES ...
Fracture is one of the most common causes of leg length discrepancy and this can result in a shortening of the bone on one side causing a short leg. Additionally, having orthopedic surgery can ...
Also read | Osteoporosis: Here's what teens, young adults, pregnant or breastfeeding women should do The main cause of ...
Cataract surgery is linked with lower falls and reductions in fall-related traumatic injuries in older adults, a new study ...
Back pain should not be ignored because it is connected to your bones and nerves and it can take a serious form. So, let's know in detail why back pain occurs.