OK. Oh, so it's like staying on top of the leaf there. So that must be because of the waxy layer - the cuticle. Ms Armit: Precisely. Another very important part of the leaf are the palisade cells.
this means the outer waxy cuticle has broken down, and the leaves' inherent moisture is seeping out. Oil easily wilts greens by breaking through this waxy layer, while vinegar doesn't. So ...
To escape into the air, a petunia’s scent molecules, called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), have to travel through their cells’ cytoplasm, cross an inner membrane and then the cell wall, and ...
But our research, published in New Phytologist, found that as temperatures rise, plants lose more water through their cuticle—the waxy layer on their leaves, which cannot close—than through ...
While scientists believed that leaf pores were the primary source of water loss, it appears that the cuticle, a waxy layer, plays a more significant role. This uncontrollable water leakage could turn ...