The connection takes place in a focused collection of abnormal vessels called the AVM nidus. These lesions represent about 20 percent of spinal vascular malformations and can present with bleeding ...
Depending on a range of factors including patient age, number of cavernous malformations, lesion size, location within critical or non-critical areas of the brain or spinal cord, presence of other ...
Carbonell, W. S., Ansorge, O., Sibson, N. & Muschel, R. The vascular basement membrane as “soil” in brain metastasis. PLoS One 4, e5857 (2009). An assumption ...
A new imaging technique is helping ultra-powerful MRI scanners detect tiny differences in the brains of patients with ...
They show up as bright white spots when you get a brain MRI: lesions called white matter ... "That was true even when we ...
In atherosclerosis, the vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC ... muscle cell in the natural history of the atherosclerotic lesion seems to be to act as a nidus for development of the lesions ...
Removing a small part of the brain can be a safe and effective way of stopping them - but if radiologists cannot see the tiny lesions on brain scans, diagnosis, treatment and surgery can be delayed.
Each animal underwent a complete necropsy. Gross pathological findings were not remarkable; no notable macroscopic lesions were observed in the brain of any animal. Protocol-required tissues and ...
New research on mice has shed light on how high blood pressure causes changes to arteries in the brain, a process that leads to vascular dementia. The research, led by University of Manchester ...
Brain as one gets older, can develop problems like white matter lesions. White matter lesions suggest small vessel diseases, which are connected with cognitive decline, vascular dementia ...