Two whales swimming, diving and rolling in the water just steps from the sand at Aliso Beach stopped beachgoers in their tracks. “It was a delicious, spiritual moment,” said Maria Bishop of ...
CHICAGO — The Shedd Aquarium announced that the baby beluga whale ... known to swim and feed on spawning salmon there. Kincaid: for a park around Anchorage, Alaska that is home to two beluga ...
Like the legendary Moby Dick, the full-grown beluga whale is snowy white. Yet unlike Herman Melville's mostly fictitious albino sperm whale, which had only Captain Ahab to deal with, the beluga swims ...
Beluga whales live in Arctic and sub-Arctic waters, including around Russia, Canada, Greenland, and Alaska. Most migrate around these seas. In the summer, they like shallow coastal waters, even ...
BREEDING: Female beluga whales become sexually mature after age four and will give birth every two or three years. Breeding occurs in the spring, and after a gestation period of longer than a year, a ...
Asked to clarify whether or not the aquarium intends to use additional swimming space ... It still holds two Pacific white-sided dolphins, two beluga whales, and several porpoises, sea otters ...
Two whales swimming, diving and rolling in the water just steps from the sand at Aliso Beach stopped beachgoers in their tracks. “It was a delicious, spiritual moment,” said Maria Bishop of ...