An eight-week online course on library research and information literacy started on March 24. LIBR 318, taught by Librarian ...
Librarians can help English language learners feel at home by providing a wide variety of choices and formats to choose from.
By making the classroom more versatile, can provide students with a creative learning environment. Creating a classroom library is an excellent way to provide students with easy access to literature ...
Students can use a framework developed by a school librarian to deeply investigate questions that are important to them.
As part of a project last semester, the class reimagined the library area at Sparta Middle School as a makerspace — a ...
South Carolina school librarian Tamara Cox writes about the challenges facing school libraries and students who use them, and ...
Coe Library and the Geology Library offer individual and group study spaces for UW faculty, staff and students. Study rooms are available ... Library Classrooms and Learning Spaces The purpose of ...
With increasing amounts of required Zoom calls and online meetings, students’ needs for individual learning spaces and ...