Almost five decades must provide you with tons of anecdotes, and the actor shared a few when he showed up at the FanX Salt ...
T here are few film franchises quite as popular as the Star Wars movies, as generations grew up on George Lucas' colorful ...
A STAR Wars burlesque parody is coming — and appears to be from a ­galaxy far, far wha-hey. The Empire Strips Back has a busty C-3PO gyrating on stage, plus naughty Stormtrooper routines and other ...
The first film he starred in, Star Wars (later retitled Star Wars ... His experience as C-3PO became the subject of a memoir titled, I Am C-3PO: The Inside Story. “I put up with it,” he ...
Earlier this week, word got around that Kathleen Kennedy — the president of Lucasfilm since 2012 and the person most directly responsible for the modern era of ...
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there were robots that could be controlled by basic verbal prompts, understood ...
A STAR Wars burlesque parody is coming — and appears to be from a ­galaxy far, far wha-hey. The Empire Strips Back has a busty C-3PO gyrating on stage, plus naughty Stormtrooper routines and ...