The subject was short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) and I was hoping to get just one clean and clear image of this owl in flight. Perhaps with its head turned towards me so I can see both eyes.
long-eared owl, and short-eared Owl. If you've got a large tree in your backyard, it could be perfect for an owl nesting box. Here's what you need to know about putting up an owl nesting box ...
Abdul Raheem, a software professional from Karimnagar and a member of Hyderabad Birding Pals (HBP) said he had captured a ...
A lucky photographer managed to capture a glimpse of a rare bird as it soared over a Suffolk beach. Mik Stoddard snapped the short-eared owl as it descended on Shingle Street near Bawdsey in east ...
The short-eared owl, with it piercing yellow eyes, can be quite the sight to behold, but it's certainly a rare bird to see. The UK population of Short-eared Owls is estimated to be between 620 and ...
For instance, to mitigate risk to the Galápagos short-eared owl (Asio flammeus galapagoensis), “part of the of the population was brought in captivity and once the island is ready for that ...
Recent sightings (through Feb. 25) as reported to Mass Audubon. A female tufted duck continued on the various large ponds in Harwich/Brewster, including Long and Seymour ponds. In Provincetown, the ...