"There were a few phrases that came up over and over again. ... Many just floated past me ... but others became lodged under ...
This seventh death anniversary is not just a day of mourning; it's a day to celebrate the extraordinary life he lived ...
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother,’ which is the first commandment ...
I don’t remember a time when my dad wasn’t ‘poorly’, as my mum used to frame it. My older brother Michael and I were told his head was unwell and given a booklet aimed at children, about a pebble ...
When I was younger, I sometimes felt embarrassed by my dad's age, especially when strangers mistook him for my grandad. Even though he was actually older than most of my friends' grandparents. Today, ...
Ms. Davis is the author of “Dear Mom and Dad: A Letter About Family, Memory and the America We Once Knew.” ...