There can be many reasons for the occurrence of erythema: exposure to heat, insect bites, infections, allergy, non-ionizing radiation (sunlight, UV) and ionizing radiation (X-ray, nuclear radiation).
There can be many reasons for the occurrence of erythema: exposure to heat, insect bites, infections, allergy, non-ionizing radiation (sunlight, UV) and ionizing radiation (X-ray, nuclear radiation).
It delivers higher doses of radiation than standard therapy. You will have fewer treatments over a shorter period of time because the treatment doses are stronger. You may have fewer skin reactions ...
The therapist will mark your skin in the place where the ... on your particular cancer and treatment plan. Radiation therapy can come with side effects. Some may happen soon after treatment ...
As dangerous as cancer is as a disease, its treatment is equally painful because it also has side effects, which King Charles ...
Recently, she shared a picture of radiation burns on her skin, which are related to her cancer treatment. Despite the visible ...