The left anterior descending artery is usually the largest coronary ... informally termed the widowmaker and formally termed ...
RVOT=right ventricle outflow tract The presence of significant stenoses (asterisk) in the proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD) and intermediate branch (IM) could be confirmed by ...
When an anterior myocardial infarction extends to the septal and lateral regions as well, the culprit lesion is usually more proximal in the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD ...
there is a functional stent in the proximal segment of the LAD with diffuse coronary disease; and second, knowing that the left internal mammary artery (LIMA)-to-LAD is superior to any other kind ...
When an AWMI extends to the septal and lateral regions as well, the culprit lesion is usually more proximal in the LAD or even in the left main coronary artery. This large anterior myocardial ...