Physiology, pathology and related sciences majors study the fundamental biological processes at play in molecular, cellular and organ systems. This degree path is ideal for students looking for a ...
The B.S. in Human Health & Physiology will focus on the biological and physiological foundations of health, offering students hands-on experience in areas such as exercise science, biomechanics and ...
In 2006, faculty in Integrative Physiology (IPHY) unanimously agreed to participate in the Science Education Initiative (SEI) program. The original charge of the IPHY SEI program was three-fold: 1.To ...
The SLU School of Medicine Department of Pharmacology and Physiology administers the Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award Institutional Predoctoral Training Program in Pharmacological ...
and cardiovascular physiology. Physiological science suits those with a strong interest in how the body works, from molecular to whole-body systems, and what goes wrong when disease affects the body.
Students at the Orlando Science School recently finished in second place at Harvard University's Science Olympiad Competition ...
Physiology is the study of how animals work ... As for all degree programs, students have to meet all University and College of Arts and Sciences requirements by taking additional courses outside the ...
The Department of Pharmacology and Physiology maintains a strong record of extramural ... The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in neuroscience, biology or a related biomedical science field with at ...
Cardiovascular research is one of the key areas of interest of the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics. Research by our faculty members focuses on a variety of subjects including ...
The Department of Human Studies Honors Program provides high-achieving students studying Exercise Bioenergetics, Exercise Science, and Sports Physiology and Performance the opportunity to participate ...