A midday home break-in took a bizarre turn when the intruder repeatedly stabbed the homeowner’s pet python, according to investigators in northern Virginia. The attack happened around 11 a.m. on ...
The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) said a woman is being held without bond after breaking into a home and stabbing a ...
Long snakes, small lizards and large-shelled tortoises were the stars of the weekend HERPS Exotic Reptile & Pet Show at the ...
What happens when a pet snake escapes or gets too big to keep and the owner doesn’t have the heart to kill it? It finds its way to the Everglades and nearby swampy areas, where it joins a ...
Snakes are exclusively carnivorous, meaning that they only eat other animals — and in some cases, eggs. Their diets range widely. Larger snakes like pythons and anacondas can swallow enormous prey, ...
World's most venomous snake bit Jeffery Leibowitz. Now, the SC city banned exotic animals including some snakes, primates, ...
St. Patrick may have driven the snakes out of Ireland, but it looks like he missed a few as Apollo is looking for a loving ...
Texas A&M AgriLife experts share insights on snake behavior, tips to prevent unnecessary fear of snakes and reduce the risk of a bite.