Most people exposed to the parasites behind babesiosis don't get sick, but for others, the infection can be deadly.
Parasitic infections happen when parasites enter a human or animal body, taking nutrients from the body for themselves. Parasites typically cause symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting ...
We can anticipate why some people might be drawn to the charismatic host, but apathetic if not outright hostile to the idea of conserving its unique parasite. Beyond human perceptions of ...
Modern-day parasitoids in the same superfamily—Chrysidoidea—include cuckoo wasps (which, as their name suggests, lay their eggs in the nests of their hosts) and bethylid wasps (which paralyze their ...
So far, no preventative vaccination against malaria exists, and its control depends heavily upon antimalarial drugs that kill parasites inside the human body. Malaria has been noted for more ...
Two common gut parasites have been found to ... a "protein that's produced in the fat body of the bee, kind of analogous to the human liver," as well as juvenile hormone, a hormone that ...
3 “In mouse models, the malaria parasites do appear to be aligned with the circadian clock of a host,” he said, but scientists were not sure if this was true in humans as well. To find out, the ...